Saturday, December 15, 2012


The lack of a winter here in DC is making me uneasy.  I was going to do a blogpost on lighter winter coats, but I think I shall do one on woolens anyway because I love them.  You can take the girl out of Michigan....  (I shall shelve the post on upcycled life rafts altogether for now.)  Locally I look for hats, mittens and scarves at Ten Thousand Villages, ArtSpring, thrift stores and at Whole Foods (get that fair trade on the fly!), but Etsy has some really great original things.  Here are a few current favorites.  Each caption has a link to the Etsy Seller's page.  Here's hoping you get that Etsy gift card as a holiday gift!
This one is a BootWarmer Pattern by BellaMcBride

Fingerless Gloves by homelab

Scarflette by mmmfiber
Chunky Cowl by ozetta
Mantelet by The JaneVictoria 
Felted Wool Slippers by mommyaya
Newsboy Hat by TepperWear

Crocheted Scarf by Elena Rosenberg


  1. Lovely selections !

    Thank you so much for featuring my gloves :)

    Best wishes

  2. What a wonderful collection of all things woolen! Thank you so much for including my Brunswick Bootwarmer Pattern!

    Cheers from Canada,

  3. excellent, but skip the card and just buy me that mantelette - size medium, please! ;-D
